We have been playing with muscle testing for years and I find it amazing how many different ways there are to do it! Today we share 3 of our favourite ways to muscle test and show how easy they really are...
Some of our fave ways to muscle test plus ideas on how you can use it in your world. Come along and have a look at the jug method, body swaying and writing it down as well as talking about how we use it in our day to day world.
The book Cheriee brings out is The Intuitive Soul’s Activity Book written by Shan and has a whole heap of ideas re Muscle Testing, plus so much much more fun ideas to play intuitively. Feel free to have a peek here!
We’d love to hear what works for you, how do you use it in your world & any tips you have found works for you! Come join us for more convo’s in our facebook group too!
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