Hi guys and welcome to our gorgeous space!! Full of Trusting yourself, Connection and Purpose!
Our story began one dark and cold night at a University information night of all places, and soon after we became great friends and drinking buddies! Each time we would sit down and drink, we would always come to the topic of intuition, and self healing while empowering each other. Soon after we had created our very own (and first) intuitive game!
With having fun in the forefront of our goals, we have delved into the intuitive world and created fun into being.
From playing with pendulums, cards, rune stones, creating psychic guessing games, and psychic guessing game road trips, we were having fun together, growing, self healing and rejuvenating our lives in the process.
By finding fun, simple and intuitive ways to heal our own lives and those close to us, we have begun to expand the way that we look at self-healing, intuition and following our soul.
This lead to us sharing our excitement with others and bringing like minded people together, so that we can all collectively grow while sharing tips and tools to manifest what we desire and heal our souls.
We look forward to hearing your own intuition story! Have a look around and please feel free to join us on Facebook and Youtube. You are also welcome to email us at hello@erthn.com.au