The 2023 Magical Manifesting Diary for Soul Led Adventures


We think it is pretty incredible that you have somehow stumbled upon this little book but then again, it makes sense.

Your soul somehow led you to here to begin this adventure. So you see it is fate, and YOU are indeed meant to be HERE, creating, travelling, learning new things, living your BEST soul led life, whatever it is that the universe has in store for you.

To make this happen, we figure you need a guide of some kind. A “What does a soul led adventure look like” guide. So who better to ask then you!!  Why not take a bit of time to see and create what your 2023 soul led adventure entails… *cue exciting music*

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Why hello there.  Welcome to your 2023 and this thing we mentioned before… A soul led adventure filled with love, purpose and connection.

Why do you need this you may ask?  Well to be honest, you are the only person who knows what your soul desires and how to bring it in.  You, your guides, your loved ones, your connections will all benefit from you creating a year of you trusting you! A year designed to connect to your dreams, manifest amazing opportunities and find your soul led adventures.

What we are here to do, is to support you along the way. Call us your Erthn groupies… Your pom pom crew, waiting on your side to celebrate all the magic you have.

These tools are our way of making things happen just that bit easier and as you will see, remind you just how far you have come!

  1. What better way to start each month then setting your INTENTIONS FOR THE MONTH: This is what you want to see or bring in for the month.  Write this from your soul – It is fascinating to see what comes up and bonus – your soul is smart! It is aware of some amazing things that you may have not known!
  2. And then you hand it over with THE UNIVERSE TO DO LIST: Everybody needs a P.A and here is your secret assistant. The Universe is capable of helping you whenever you ask for help. You just have to hand it over.  This is where you write down all those goodies that you a) Don’t know how to make happen and b) Can’t work out how to fit it in to your all ready busy world. Hand it over and see the incredible ways the universe gets stuff done. (NB The universe is not only incredibly efficient, it also has connections… just saying!)
  3. Which brings us to SHIFTING YOUR BS. Your support crew is here to help you lighten your load. And you may have noticed there are some crappy Belief Systems (BS stories) that come up at sometimes the worst possible moments!! In fact, you may have found that you have been carrying some BS for so long, that you have just accepted it as “normal” or just forgotten that it is there. Well, here is your moment to say adious suckers. Or maybe just adieu. Whatever it is…  you are ready! Lighten your beautiful self to see what is no longer yours to carry.
  4. And finally we have YOUR INNER WISDOM, YOUR INTUITION. Following this will always lead you on your soul-led adventure! It’s logical that your soul would come in and remind you how you are going, and what an awesome person you are, and what amazing things you have planned etc etc etc. Or it may remind you just how incredible you truly are… even magical! How wonderful that you have this enlightening support just waiting to help you achieve your goals and desires.


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