Let’s go an adventure…

verb 1.accept that (something) is true, especially without proof.

a. an intense emotion of affection, warmth, fondness, and regard towards a person

be you
1. the unique, different and beautiful person you are as you.

If you were to trust your soul where would it lead you?
Where would you want to head?
Where are you not trusting your soul?

Following your soul journey is easier than what you are thinking…

There are actually simple and effective ways to see what you want, what you desire in your life and help you on on your journey.

Throughout this website, we help you to connect to YOUR true self, and the best way forward for YOU. We help you to do this by showing you some easy and simple tools that you can use to get your life back on track, to optimal. So that you can lead the life that you truly desire (BELIEVE BELOVE BE YOU).

By using these tools to help you, you will start to see significant shifts in your ability to prioritise yourself and your goals and desires, allow your soul to have a greater influence in your space and your journey, and allow in more love for you and those around you and create more soul aligned relationships to yourself and your nearest and dearest, to name but a few.

Our tool belt consists of Muscle Testing (MT), Automatic Writing (AW) intuitive reading abilities and a few others, we apply these to many areas, such as – Manifesting, Self-love, self-worth, your relationships (and many other areas).

Remember, You are so not alone in this!! There are so many people, including us, who are trying to work out how to BELIEVE in themselves and their purpose, to connect to their intuition, and how to follow their soul, their inner guidance. To show more LOVE not just to others but most importantly to themselves, and to be themselves, be YOU, ALL OF YOU!

About Us

Who are these chicks?

Creating this space we wanted this to be not another place that is here to offer you products, and buy things. We created this space to help people. To support people as life can be tough. And by creating this space we are wanting to develop a beautiufl community of people to inspire, to lift, to create, to heal and support each other through the ups and downs. through the successes and the growth days (god you gotta love those days where it feels like everything…. EVERYTHING goes wrong!)

This space has been designed in a specfic way to keep you coming back, to keep you using these simple tools, to keep going and connecting back in to your soul/ your heart space/you subconscious (whatever label you use) so that your journey can be a fulfilling, uplifting and inspiring one that can influence others to do the same.

So, we have created activities that will be changed often to help you keep using your innate abilities. We will have courses, books, wokshops and many other things that you can engage with, not just from us but from others so that we can all explore this universe and find new and exciting ways to acieve our goals and desires.